Is it good to offer a free trial of online subscription service?
Online subscription services have become increasingly prevalent. Many businesses are jumping on the bandwagon, offering a variety of services ranging from streaming platforms to fitness apps. As the competition intensifies, one strategy that often comes into play is providing a free trial to potential customers. But is this a smart move for your subscription service? Let's explore the pros and cons of offering a test of your services for free. Let’s Find Out If it is Good Or Bad To Offer A Free Trial To an Online Subscription Service. What is a Free Trial? A free trial is a promotional offering that allows users to access and experience the full range of services offered by an online subscription platform for a limited period, typically without any upfront payment. This approach serves as a hands-on introduction, letting users explore the features and benefits of the service before committing to a paid subscription. Pros of Offering a Free Trial: Attracting Potential C...